Friday, November 15, 2019



Here's my MP write-up for Copperhead, a one-time member of Marvel's evil Serpent Society! This write-up reflects his Bronze Age abilities.


Copperhead first appeared in Captain America #337, published 1988. He was created by Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio and Tom Morgan.

Before being a member of the Serpent Society, Copperhead was the leader of the fourth Serpent Squad. He helped rob a casino in Las Vegas with his teammates Black Racer, Puff Adder, and Fer-de-Lance, but was caught and sent to prison. 

At a later date, he and his fellow Serpent Squad members were freed from prison by Sidewinder, who then inducted all of them into his Serpent Society.


Copperhead has a minor ability in hand-to-hand combat.

The fingers of Copperhead's gauntlets can fire electrical bolts. They can be recharged with spare cartridges located within his suit's belt.

He has wrist-mounted titanium grapnel lines -- "shooting fangs" -- that can be retracted and used again after being fired.

Lastly, he has a single charge of a magnesium flare located within his snaked-shaped helmet.

Copperhead Sheet Image

Copperhead Recharges His Gauntlets

Copperhead and Serpent Society are trademarks of Marvel Comics, Mighty Protectors is a trademark of Monkey House Games. This write-up is by B.K. Adams.

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