Gamma World Map
The devastation wrought by The Apocalypse had changed the very fabric of life on Earth. The weapons and devices used had completely obliterated some forms of life. Others were mutated to the point where they could not be recognized as what they had once been. Man was not immune to these changes... -- from the book "The History of Gamma World," by Grand Historian Jaqard
Introduction: On this page I will be laying out the rules for a post-apocalyptic science-fantasy campaign using the new Mighty Protectors rules.
All starting player-characters are considered to be Low-Powered, starting with a total of 100 CPs and no more than 20 points in Weaknesses (Note that certain tech constructs, animal and plant mutants can exceed this amount).
Original PCs
The original player characters included: Alex (human-animal hybrid; (C) 2017 Bruce Adams), Max (Alex's robot protector, (C) 2017 Zach Adams); Lado (Pure Strain Human and member of the Brotherhood of Thought, (C) 2017 Jeff Dee); Sarn (mutated avian humanoid, (C) 2017 David Anderson); Azu (mutated amphibian humanoid and Ranks of the Fit member, (C) 2017 McCaden McClure); Sham (mutated humanoid and runaway Friends of Entropy slave, (C) 2017 Rory McClure); Wilestar (android bounty hunter, (C) 2017 Matt Sheffield); Grapevine (mutated plant humanoid, (C) 2017 Manda)
New PCs
Roll on the table below to determine the character's place of origin, species type, and culture.

These "pure" humans are descended from the pre-2322 human stock, are mutation-free, and will be recognized by all pre-2322 robotic units. Many of the most powerful Artifacts are equipped with DNA locks and will only operate for pure strain humans. Basic Characteristics for PSH characters are capped: ST at 18 and the others (AG, EN, IN, CL) are capped at 24.
Pure Strain Humans roll their Abilities normally, but must include the (-5) Gear modifier.

Optionally, PSH characters may roll on the Artifacts chart to determine their gear, although this may not result in a balanced character.
Pure Strain Humans may also take the following Mighty Protector Abilities: Base, Heightened Senses: Acute Senses, Heightened Defense, Heightened Expertise, Knowledge, Natural Weaponry, Luck, Physical Ability A) Ambidexterity, Vehicle, and Wealth.
Descended from mutated humans, humanoids without obvious physical mutations and possessing proper ID's will usually be recognized by all but the most sophisticated automatons as authorized personnel. Roll character normally per the MP rules but be aware of restrictions on certain Abilities (see House Rules below).
Mutated Animals are descended from animals whose genomes were affected by radioactive and/or toxic substances found in the post-Apocalyptic Gamma World. Characters playing a mutated animal must pick or randomly determine their base Animal Type. They then must roll or select 2 species abilities and 1 weakness (see MP pg. 23).
Because Mutated Animals must roll on the Animal/Plant tables, they get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.
Because Mutated Plants must roll on the Animal/Plant tables, they get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.
The character is an android, cyborg, or robot. Because Tech Constructs are sentient, they are subject to Mind Control and Emotion Control. Because they are also machines, or part-machine in the case of Cyborgs, they are subject to being controlled by Lightning Control C) Gear Control (see MP pg. 54).
Tech Constructs may optionally roll on the Tech Abilities chart, but doing so does not guarantee a balanced character.
Place of Origin, Species, and Culture
Roll on the table below to determine the character's place of origin, species type, and culture.

Pure Strain Human
These "pure" humans are descended from the pre-2322 human stock, are mutation-free, and will be recognized by all pre-2322 robotic units. Many of the most powerful Artifacts are equipped with DNA locks and will only operate for pure strain humans. Basic Characteristics for PSH characters are capped: ST at 18 and the others (AG, EN, IN, CL) are capped at 24.
Pure Strain Humans roll their Abilities normally, but must include the (-5) Gear modifier.

Optionally, PSH characters may roll on the Artifacts chart to determine their gear, although this may not result in a balanced character.
Pure Strain Humans may also take the following Mighty Protector Abilities: Base, Heightened Senses: Acute Senses, Heightened Defense, Heightened Expertise, Knowledge, Natural Weaponry, Luck, Physical Ability A) Ambidexterity, Vehicle, and Wealth.
Mutated Animals
Because Mutated Animals must roll on the Animal/Plant tables, they get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.
Mutated Plants
In Gamma World, Mutated Plants have gained sentience, mobility, and deadly mutations. Characters playing a mutated plant must select "Plant/Fungus" as their Plant Type. They then must roll or select 2 species abilities and 1 weakness (see MP pg. 23).
Because Mutated Plants must roll on the Animal/Plant tables, they get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.
Tech Construct
Tech Constructs may optionally roll on the Tech Abilities chart, but doing so does not guarantee a balanced character.
Androids are generally indistinguishable from humans. Androids roll their abilities on the Tech Construct Abilities chart. Androids get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.

Cyborgs are humans with mechanical replacement body parts. Roll their Abilities per the Cybernetics Ability (MP pg. 31). Cyborgs get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.

Robots are sentient machines that come in various shapes and sizes but are most commonly in the form of a humanoid. Note that robots must sleep 8 hours each day to "recharge" their batteries. Robots do not heal on their own, but can be healed or repaired by others with an appropriate task check roll or Ability.
Robots get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.

Many of the inhabitants of Gamma World have banded together into secret or semi-secret organizations called Cryptic Alliances. Some are remnants of organizations that existed in the Shadow Years... some are of very recent origin.
Age, Gender, Basic Characteristics, and Weight should be determined per the the Mighty Protectors rulebook.
Characters with a High Tech culture should roll Background normally (see MP p. 12). Characters with Mixed or Primitive cultures should roll three times on the following table, keeping two of them. Duplicates can be kept or re-rolled.

Legal Status: Characters begin the campaign with one of the following designations: Barbarian (or "free born" as they call themselves), Cryptic Alliance member, or Exiled (criminal, heretic, etc).
Abilities and Weaknesses should be rolled as usual with the following exceptions:
For a listing of high-tech weapons and gadgets, click Artifacts
For a listing of Gamma World vehicles and robots, click Vehicles/Bots

Cyborgs are humans with mechanical replacement body parts. Roll their Abilities per the Cybernetics Ability (MP pg. 31). Cyborgs get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.

Robots are sentient machines that come in various shapes and sizes but are most commonly in the form of a humanoid. Note that robots must sleep 8 hours each day to "recharge" their batteries. Robots do not heal on their own, but can be healed or repaired by others with an appropriate task check roll or Ability.
Robots get (2.5) fewer CPs per Core Ability.

Cryptic Alliances
Many of the inhabitants of Gamma World have banded together into secret or semi-secret organizations called Cryptic Alliances. Some are remnants of organizations that existed in the Shadow Years... some are of very recent origin.
Additional Character Generation
Age, Gender, Basic Characteristics, and Weight should be determined per the the Mighty Protectors rulebook.
Characters with a High Tech culture should roll Background normally (see MP p. 12). Characters with Mixed or Primitive cultures should roll three times on the following table, keeping two of them. Duplicates can be kept or re-rolled.

Legal Status: Characters begin the campaign with one of the following designations: Barbarian (or "free born" as they call themselves), Cryptic Alliance member, or Exiled (criminal, heretic, etc).
Abilities and Weaknesses should be rolled as usual with the following exceptions:
- The following Abilities are not allowed without GM approval:
- Arsenal
- Astral Projection
- Base (PSH may take with GM permission)
- Companion
- Cosmic Awareness
- Invulnerability (must be heavily limited)
- Life Support
- Non-Corporealness
- Shaping
- Summoning
- Vehicle (usually only PSH may use as most vehicles have a DNA lock)
- Weakness: Distinctive, Personal Problem: Agent; Dark Past; Public Identity; and only Tech Constructs may take Unliving
Original Gamma World Character Generation
- Higher Lethality Campaign: Roll damage normally. Multiply by 3 any damage the character takes beyond 0 Hits. This can easily kill "normal" characters, but will not outright kill player-characters or important NPCs, who tend to have many more hit points and power than an average person.
- There is a Hard Cap of 30 for Strength, with Size Change A) Larger the only way to exceed this cap.
- Size Change B) Smaller must have the following modifiers: PR=0, Stays Active, and Can't Hold Back.
- Determining how far a character can leap is a multi-step process that uses the chart shown below. This change in how MP characters leap means the 'free' leaping for very strong characters is vastly reduced. If your character is really strong, he can still leap farther than a weaker character, but if you want him or her to leap miles like the Hulk then you will have to put CPs into Physical Ability F) Super Leap.A) Find the Task # for the character's Carrying Capacity.
B) Find the Task # for the character's weight.
C) Subtract the Weight Task # from the CC Task # and add 1 to determine how far the character can leap in game inches.
D) Multiply the resulting number by the character's Super Leap multiple (if any).
E) Add +1" to the leaping distance if the character pushes.- Example: Zartok's CC Task # is 6 (he can lift 240 lbs). He has a Weight Task # 5 (he weighs 150 lbs). He can normally leap (6-5)+1=2" or 3" if he pushes.
Leaping Notes:
1. Optionally, if the GM wants to add randomness to leaping distance, have the PCs roll their base HTH damage to determine their Carrying Capacity Task number. Even if the character fails to equal the Weight Task number, the minimum leaping distance is still 1".
For a listing of high-tech weapons and gadgets, click Artifacts
For a listing of Gamma World vehicles and robots, click Vehicles/Bots
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