In response to this disaster, a very unsavory man was elected president of the United States. With sweeping new laws, he quickly turned the once mighty democracy into something of a 3rd world hell-hole. His jack-booted Black Sun mercenaries became the hated enforcers of these laws. It was up to the heroes to fight back.
Blacksun Merc
The Blacksun mercenaries were the feared enforcers of a rogue American Presidency in my United Dystopia of America Mighty Protectors campaign. Need some mercenaries for a Roxxon-like corporation or a despotic super-villain who runs a small country? These guys work great.Here is a PDF of the sheet. Copyright B.K.Adams.

From my United Dystopia of America campaign comes the Deimos, a heavily-armored and air-tight vehicle that the Blacksun mercenaries travel in. They can also use their communication gear to scan radio channels, listening for Resistance broadcasts.
The picture is a slightly modified version from Free 3d Models.
Blacksun Vehicle: "Deimos" (PDF)

Fiesty Cholita
One of these heroes was a Luchadora played by Talzhemir. Here’s a PDF of her character, the Feisty Cholita (character and artwork are Copyright 2017 by Talzhemir).
Golden Guru
Below is the write-up for Jeff’s character in my United Dystopia of America campaign: the Golden Guru! He, along with his fellow vigilantes, fought against government tyranny, obtaining aid from members of his “Golden Horde” along the way. Here is also a PDF of the Golden Guru, copyright by Jeff Dee.This campaign was notable for having gone through four different RPG systems: Pocket Universe, Ultraverse (my brother’s rule system), Living Legends, and finally Mighty Protectors.
This version shows the Golden Guru at the beginning of his vigilante career.

Here is another player-character from my United Dystopia of America campaign. Here is a PDF of the character sheet and a PDF of her motorcycle sheet. Storm’s favorite combat tactic is to fire both of her machine pistols on autofire at the same time, and because she has Ambidexterity, she only suffers a -1 penalty to hit with each of her four attacks (see section 4.14.11 of the MP rules on two weapon combat). Copyright 2017 by Bruce Adams.
In the United Dysptopia of America, crime is rampant, and Benjamin Wang’s family has suffered. He became the “Chainfist,” a masked vigilante who fights against the gang members and criminals terrorizing his neighborhood. When government agents arrested his parents on immigration grounds, he took over running the family martial arts dojo. Here is a PDF of Chainfist , Copyright by Zach Adams. The character portrait is by an unknown artist and is used without permission by it’s creator.
United Dystopia of America is Copyright by B.K. Adams
All of this stuff is awesome, never ran a superhero RPG before so it is useful to have basic villain writeups to draw inspiration from. I am setting my game loosely in the Marvel universe so all of your marvel writeups are super handy. Is it normal to have basic encounters against guys with guns? how do you handle that combat scenario?
ReplyDeleteIf you are running a typical supers campaign encounters with regular gun-toting criminals is not going to be much of a challenge to a superhero group - unless the criminals have "super gear" and even then the heroes should win.
DeleteHowever, if it's just one hero vs. a group of criminals, then that might be a challenge.