DC Heroes (DCH) is a very different game system from Mighty Protectors (MP)... Nevertheless, I've come up with a chart that allows anyone to convert a character from DCH to MP. These guidelines are not perfect; they tend to result in approximate, or "in the ballpark", translations.
DCH uses 9 stats, but only 5 of those are applicable to MP; the rest are ignored.DCH Dexterity converts to MP Agility
DCH Strength converts to MP Strength
DCH Body converts to MP Endurance
DCH Intelligence converts to MP Intelligence
DCH Will converts to MP Cool.
To derive the stats for an MP character, cross index the APs of the DCH character with the 'MP BC' column on the chart below. For example, DCH Batman has the following stats: Dex 10, Str 5, Body 6, Int 12, Will 12, Mind 12, Infl 10, Aura 8, Spirit 10. To convert his stats into Mighty Protectors, we only care about the first five stats. Converting Batman into MP gives him: 18 Strength, 21 Endurance, 33 Agility, 40 Intelligence, and a 33 Cool.
To convert DCH Wealth simply consult the chart below and cross-index the APs of the DCH character's wealth stat to find the CPs of MP Wealth ability. For example, Batman's 20 APs of wealth converts to (35) CPs of the MP Wealth ability.3. SKILLS
Most DCH Skills translate into 'careers' as shown in the MP Knowledge ability, worth (5) CPs. However, some DCH skills, like Martial Arts and Weaponry, should be treated as powers for conversion purposes. For example, Batman's 10 APs of Martial Arts translates into (25) CPs of MP Natural Weaponry (or optionally Heightened Attack & Heightened Expertise).DCH's Gadgetry skill is a combination of MP's Knowledge and Inventing abilities. Convert the Gadgetry APs into MP CPs, as shown on the chart below. Allocate 5+ CPs to one or more MP Knowledge 'careers' (5 cps) or 'task bonuses' (2.5 cps). Whatever CPs are left should go into the MP Inventing Points ability. For example, DCH Hawkman's Gadgetry skill of 12 APs converts into (30) CPs. For his MP character, he could have Knowledge A) Tinkerer/Repairman (5), and Inventing (25).
Use your own judgement when converting advantages into MP's system. Most DCH Advantages can be converted into low CP MP abilities. For example, the DCH 'Sharp Eye' advantage translates into MP Heightened Senses, Acute Sight +6, costing (5) CPs; the DCH 'Lightning Reflexes' advantage translates into MP Heightened Initiative +2, costing (5) CPs.5. POWERS
Use the chart below to convert the APs of DCH powers into CPs of MP Abilities. Try to use common sense when deciding which Mighty Protectors Ability corresponds to a DCH power. For example, Batman's 'laser torch' has 10 APs of 'Heat Vision' -- which sounds a lot like Light Control A) Laser. So, converting the power to MP means he has (25) CPs of Light Control A) Laser (with the Gear modifier, 'natch).In general, any DCH power 20 APs or higher should be treated as 50 CPs in a Mighty Protectors ability. If desired, however, you can tack on additional damage with MP's Heightened Attack ability or you could extend MP's charts, which in most cases, use a doubling of effect for every 5 CPs. For example, the DCH Golden Age hero sidekick 'Thunderbolt' has 30 APs of Flight -- that's 75 CPs of MP Flight, well beyond the maximum listed. However if you double the flight speed for every additional (5) CPs one gets a x32 multiple, or 32768/524288 (178,734 mph).
To convert DCH movement (running, flying, swimming) use the MP BC column to determine the number of CPs of Flight or Speed. For example, 7 APs of DCH Flight is 24-26 on the MP BC column; that's 25 CPs of Flight.
In general, if the weapon is a 'real world' weapon try to find it listed under MP's Special Weapon C) ability. If it's not there, you can use it's EV number in place of APs on the chart below to see how many MP CPs it should get. For example, the DCH Bazooka has an EV 8, which translates to (20) CPs of Special Weapon B.8. VEHICLES
Use the DCH vehicle's Body score as AP to determine how many MP Vehicle ability CPs it should get. For example, the 18 Body of the DCH 'Ocean Liner' becomes 18 APs which equals (45) CPs of the MP Vehicle ability.9. DCH to MP Chart (PDF)

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