Monday, July 16, 2018

Trigon the Terrible

Here's my Mighty Protectors write-up of DC villain Trigon the Terrible! This write-up is mostly based upon very early issues of the New Teen Titans comic book, with additional material from the 2nd edition of Mayfair's DC Superheroes RPG. Trigon was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez.

Trigon is your proto-typical inter-dimensional demonic overlord, who is vastly more powerful than any single Earth superhero, and who is bent on conquering and/or destroying anything he doesn't already control.

I gave Trigon a huge number of Inventing points, which coupled with his already high Intelligence, gives him a total of 125 points to construct spells. I also gave him a really high Knowledge Sorceror roll; this allows Trigon to make an inventing roll in 1 Round, or less, with a high degree of success. Below is a small sample of the types of spells he might use in any one adventure:

While on Earth:
1. Shape-Shifting: any human (15), enhanced realism: analytical (+10), PR=0
2. Dimensional  Travel D) Alternate Dimensions (40), PR=12
3. Mind Control: IN save @-14 vs. Psychic (40), IN+CL range, PR=8
4. Mental Ability C) Translation: any human language @fluent (15), PR=0

Anticipating Combat:
1. Disintegration Ray: 4d10 Other Dmg (50), STx2" range, PR=2
2. Super Speed: +2 Turns (20), PR=4 per Round
3. Size Change A) Larger: +40 CPs (40)
Trigon MP Sheet
Raven MC'd
Father Daughter Talk

Trigon is a trademark of DC Comics. This write-up is by B.K. Adams. Mighty Protectors is a trademark of Monkey House Games

1 comment:

  1. I always had mixed feelings on whether Trigon was overused, or not. So often, he was just a bit melodramatic.
