Hawkman and his fellow All-Star Squadron companions (including: Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, Firebrand, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Robotman, and Shining Knight) don their civilian identities and fly down to Mexico (on a commercial plane). Once in Merida, they quickly learn that Shiera is not at the hotel. They suspect foul-play and in a short amount of time discover the Nazi plot. They track down the location of the Mayan temple, fight against Nazi guards, but are knocked-out by the big, bad super-villain named Kukulkan.
In issue #6, the All-Stars escape from their Nazi captors and prevent Kukulkan from sacrificing Shiera, who quickly dons her Hawkgirl costume and helps her fellow heroes thwart the villains' plans.
Shiera and the rest of the All-Star Squadron members return to the United States. Carter Hall then takes his leave of the team as he has joined the Army Air-Corp. Shiera, as Hawkgirl, takes his place, joining the All-Star Squadron.
Hawkgirl (PDF)

The All-Stars, triumphant in Mexico

Hawkgirl and the other All-Star heroes are trademarks of DC Comics.
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